“Nulla vestibulum eleifend nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam turpis nisi, venenatis non, accumsan nec, imperdiet laoreet, lacus.”

Welcome to our web site.

We hope you will find this site enjoyable and helpful to you . We are here to help you out in Veteran matters . Please feel free to contact us for help on setting up high school tours for the State Vietnam Memorial in Worcester Ma. And for any other veteran matter.

NEXT MEETING FOR V. V. F. T. C. is  Feb.13  2025 Thursday MEETING AT 5:30 P.M.
AT THE Vernon Hill America Legion POST 435 IN Worcester Mass..
V V F T C meets on the second  Thursday of the month.

Vietnam Veterans For The Community

Phil Madaio

141 Hampton Street

Auburn, MA 01501

For more information contact :

PHIL MADAIO -PHONE 508-873-5367

HAROLD PIERCE send E-Mail to hwpvvftc@charter.net

CASEY POLASKI - Phone 508-864-3359


Welcome to our web site